July 16, 2009

a summer night

we've had a pretty good week at our house. Caleb and i haven't had to leave home the last couple of days, which made for some good ol' lazy, summer relaxing. since today was only semi-hot, we decided to head outdoors tonight.

first, Caleb and Bella had some dinner.

Bella's new favorite seat in the house is underneath the highchair, where she anxiously awaits anything that might land her way. needless to say, she has gained a few pounds post-baby. maybe she's putting on some "baby-weight" to sympathize better with me?

(yes, i am aware that they are both in desperate need of haircuts. i'm working on it!)

then we got loaded up in the stroller and made our way outside.

we walked down to the swings, where Caleb had so much fun that we never made it any further!

actually, i may have had more fun than Caleb did! i love seeing him so happy and carefree. it's a reminder of how simple things can be.

hope you're all enjoying your summer!


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