we've been doing lots of baking, burning our pumpkin spice candles, and staying in jammies a little longer than normal whenever possible.
so we thought it was time to do some crafting.
we tried doing a fingerprint tree, and little man really did a great job. finger-paint used to really freak him out, so we are very happy that he does so well with it now.

when we were finished with them, i held up my tree, which i thought at least somewhat resembled a tree.
anyways, this was our conversation.....
me: Caleb, what is it?
him: paint!
me: well, yes, but what does it look like?
him: {blank stare}
me: does it look like a tree?
him: {silly laugh} no!
he was so funny, acting like a tree was the most ridiculous thing i could have said!
so much for my artistic skills!
we also tried painting some pumpkins, because i am not yet brave enough to try carving them with our little guy.

and a parting shot, cause he's just so darn cute.....

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