i have been a not-so-great blogger, but things have been
and now, i am very eager to get back on this blog and catch up on things before i forget it all. a lot has happened around here that we want to remember.
but first, our announcement.....

Makayla Brynn arrived on November 12, 2010, at 1:18 pm.
she weighed 8 lbs 11 oz, and was 20 1/2 in long.
we are in love.

she is such a good baby. she sleeps a lot, and doesn't cry much at all unless she's hungry. she looks just like her brother did as a newborn.
a few more pics.....

and my ginormous belly right before delivery.....

and all ready to go home.....

husband was able to take some time off of work to stay home with us. we basically just locked ourselves in the house and soaked up some much-needed family time.
after the long summer we had, it was just what the doctor ordered.
but alas, all good things must come to an end. he is back at work, and i am learning how to balance life at home with two little ones.
and life is starting to feel normal again.
we are blessed beyond measure.