we leave in the morning for Macon, GA for the funeral. we are hoping that little man will take his nap in the car on the way down, but we'll see. we'll head back home on Saturday as soon as things wrap up and hopefully be home by bedtime.
i'm a little concerned how little man will behave in general, but mainly at the funeral and burial. he is not big on sitting still these days, so we are praying for a miracle!
and to show you how much he does not like to sit still, here is a little snippet of what he has been up to this week.....
his new favorite toy is his stackable cups. not sure why these hold his interest, while all of the toys that take 27 batteries
did i mention that they are multi-functional cups? not only do they stack, but they are great for throwing, and chewing on, and they make great hats!
he's been on some hippo-rides with daddy as the driver......

he discovered how to take off his overalls all by himself.....
i mean, who needs overalls when you have such cute chubby legs, anyways?
and he spent some time in an airplane on Labor Day.....
this little man has been all over the place. literally.
i am one tired mamma trying to keep up with him.
i am also one very blessed mamma.
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